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Ch. 1: What Are Co-Occurring Problems?

The first reading provides you with an overview of what we are talking about in terms of co-occurring problems: specifically, problems that often co-occur with substance use, substance misuse, and substance use disorders. While this content emphasizes mental disorders and disability, remember that there are many other types of problems that may co-occur with substance misuse, as well. These include:

  • Incarceration, involvement with the criminal justice system, and legal problems
  • Exposure to, witnessing, or perpetrating violence and other forms of exploitation (physical, sexual, emotional, intimate partner, community violence, as well as child maltreatment)
  • Housing instability or homelessness
  • Unemployment, underemployment, and worker exploitation (including sex trafficking)
  • Physical health problems that are both acute and chronic or have long-term consequences (infectious disease exposure, infections, reduced resistance, lack of preventive health or prenatal care, malnutrition, injury, death)
  • Compromised mental health (mental disorders, stress, anxiety, depression, suicide risk)
  • Behavioral addictions (gambling, for example)

The first reading comes from a textbook about addiction; we will not be reading the entire piece, only an excerpt from: van Wormer, K., & Davis, D.R. (2013). Substance misuse with a co-occurring mental disorder or disability. In Addiction treatment: A strengths perspective, third edition (pp. 452-474). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

In this first chapter you will read about:

  • mental health conditions, stress, and other disorders (gambling, eating disorders, personality disorders, mood and thought disorders)
  • a case example related to one veteran’s experience (which relates to Chapter 3)
  • integrated treatment models, and
  • key terms used in the field of substance use disorders and addiction.

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SWK 3805: Co-Occurring Problems Copyright © by carpenter844 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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