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Ch. 4: Summary

In this module you learned basic principles about how the biological, psychological, and social context theories come together in a framework for prevention and intervention around substance misuse and substance use disorders. We explored the behavioral health prevention and continuum of care frameworks that guide the planning of evidence-informed intervention strategies. What we learned about risk and resilience factors, especially when applied within a developmental framework, applies to maximizing the preventive potential of our interventions. A number of prevention and treatment interventions were introduced that cover a range of biological, psychological, and social context strategies, and that cover the full range of individual to policy level approaches. Finally, we devoted special attention to an integrative model called the transtheoretical model (TTM) of behavior change, the stages of change, and motivational interviewing as a means of applying these principles.

You are now ready to review some of the key terms related to substance use disorders that were introduced in this book.

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