
VM6520 Gross Anatomy I

AAVA 2019 Baker Demo


“Baker the Talking Dog” is an interactive tool for incoming veterinary students to gain familiarity with direction terms, pronunciations of structure names, as well as how the structures are spatially related. The intent is that if students come to class on the first day already equipped with the necessary background information, a major barrier would be removed and they would be able to better focus on and contextualize the main anatomy content.

Baker has been helping the students for many years since the original OSU Technology Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR) Expertise Grant awarded to Dr. Inpanbutr that made it happen. Because of changes in web technologies, Baker lost its ability to talk; we’re currently working hard to “resurrect” Baker, and below are some demo that represents where we are in this process!

Technology Used: H5P


(Jump to alternate version)



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