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Instructions for embedding H5P widget in Carmen

  1. In Pressbooks:
    1. Open the H5P widget in Pressbooks (i.e. this book)
    2. At the bottom of the widget, select the “Embed” button, then copy the first box (starts with “<iframe src …”)

  2. In Carmen:
    1. Open the page on which you would like to embed the widget
    2. Edit the top by selecting the “Edit” button at the top right
    3. Click to put your mouse cursor where you would like to embed the widget
    4. Select the “Insert/edit media” button (editor tool bar, second row, 2nd from the left; looks like a film strip)
    5. Select the “Embed” tab, then paste the code you copied
    6. Select “Ok” to insert
    7. Select “Save” at the bottom right of the page to save your edits.



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