Book Title: A CURE for everyone: A guide to implementing Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences
Subtitle: Best practices and advice from the primary literature

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Book Description: In this book, I undertake a review of the literature on Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) and present original data from a survey of instructors at the Ohio State University. The main goal of this publication is to be a practical guide for teachers wishing to develop and implements this type of High-Impact Practice in their course. As such, I cover many aspects of the development of a CURE, including advice on research development, group formation and management, evaluation and grading, inclusive teaching, and assignment design. A large number of activity templates and resources accompany the text to facilitate classroom implementation.
Book Information
A CURE for everyone: A guide to implementing Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences Copyright © 2023 by Jonathan Calède is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.