
D) Designing a successful CURE: The basics

Although CUREs share several characteristics (see Introduction), there exists a diversity of CURE designs and models. Shuster et al. (2019) proposed a taxonomy of CUREs with two main categories: researcher-independent CUREs and researcher-driven CUREs. The former category includes many discovery-based CUREs. Researcher-independent CUREs are not tied to the expertise or research interests of the instructor. As such, they can be supervised by different instructors, may have a greater lifespan, and can potentially foster student-driven questions (Shuster et al., 2019). However, these CUREs are supervised by non-expert researchers who may not be confident in the project and require training (Shuster et al., 2019). Researcher-independent discovery-based CUREs can be replicated across institutions and lead to national programs (e.g., Genné-Bacon & Bascom-Slack, 2018; Jordan et al., 2014; Shaffer et al., 2014). Some of those national programs have common research goals. For example, the Genomics Education Partnership (GEP) is annotating the genome of Drosophila (Shaffer et al., 2010; 2014). Instructors can apply to join these programs and receive centralized training, benefit from the support system put in place by these project’s networks, and exchange with the associated communities of instructors and researchers. One advantage of such programs is the potential time savings made by instructors in developing and initiating a CURE (Gentile et al., 2017). There are also national programs that have been developed to support students and their instructors in undertaking their own research projects. Examples of these programs include The Genome Consortium for Active Teaching (GCAT; Campbell et al., 2007; Walker et al., 2008) and its sister program, GCAT-SEEK (Buonaccorsi et al., 2014; Buonaccorsi et al., 2011) as well as the Ecological Research as Education Network. Both GEP and GCAT have been extensively analyzed for their ability to support CUREs (Lopatto et al., 2014). Malotky et al. (2020) present yet another model of researcher-independent CURE in their CEL-CURE. This CURE involves “Community-Engaged Learning”; the research questions investigated by the students each semester stem from conversations with community partners in an original combination of service-learning and research (Malotky et al., 2020). Similarly, Adkins-Jablonsky et al. (2020) developed a series of CUREs centered around environmental justice in an effort to increase community-engagement as well as science efficacy and identity.

Researcher-driven CUREs are experiences in which the students contribute to the research program of the instructor. Researcher-driven CUREs are mentored by experts who are invested in the success of the CURE and its dissemination to the research community (Shuster et al., 2019). These CUREs are likely to be hypothesis-driven and lead to publication (Fukami, 2013; Shuster et al., 2019). There are some opportunities for researcher-driven CUREs to benefit from the support of national programs–the Keck Geology Consortium provides such an opportunity (De Wet et al., 2009)–but these opportunities are rare and often support small numbers of students (six to nine students in the case of the Keck Consortium). Because of the inherent integration of their teaching and research missions in researcher-driven CUREs, faculty members at research institutions may be more likely to be invested in the development and success of such CUREs as opposed to researcher-independent ones, whereas faculty members at community colleges and institutions with little support for the course development efforts associated with creating a CURE, and limited research funding, can benefit from joining national programs that provide a framework for implementing CUREs.

Thus, there are three possible paths to designing a CURE:

  1. Implementing a researcher-independent CURE for which there is a pre-existing structure available through national programs or the peer-reviewed discipline-based education research (DBER) literature
  2. Developing a new researcher-independent CURE
  3. Designing a unique researcher-driven CURE

When designing a new CURE, just like any other course, instructors should adopt a backward-design approach (Dolan, 2016; Graff, 2011; Hills et al., 2020; Shapiro et al., 2015; Wiggins & McTighe, 1998). This approach requires instructors to first identify the outcomes desired from the CURE, then determine the acceptable evidence that these outcomes have been met, and only afterwards, plan the learning experiences and instruction (Cooper et al., 2017). One important caveat to this structure when designing a researcher-driven CURE is the need to integrate the research goals of the researcher with the learning outcomes for the students. Such integration can and should follow a backward-design approach for the research component as well (Cooper et al., 2017: Table 1). It may be necessary to adjust the research project to meet the desired learning outcomes or revise the learning outcomes of the CURE to match the limitations of the research project (Cooper et al., 2017). The instruction and mentorship of the research experience itself will need to consider several critical issues (e.g., Cooper & Brownell, 2018; Kloser et al., 2011; Shaffer et al., 2014; Zelaya et al., 2020) presented in Table 3.


Developing a CURE requires considering logistical, research, and pedagogical issues.
Table 3. Critical issues to consider in developing a CURE.



The issues of Table 3 can be rephrased as framing questions (questions 1-2, 4-5, 7-8, and 10 from Dolan, 2016) to guide the development of a CURE:

  1. How will the CURE be integrated into the curriculum? Identifying the target audience of the course, the nature of the course, and its place within the curriculum as well as the CURE’s research goals.
  2. To what extent will students have intellectual responsibility and [ownership] of the research? Determining the role the students will have in developing, implementing, and communicating the research.
  3. Which components of the research process will be integrated into the CURE? Defining the research experience of the students and guiding them through the literature, data collection, and data analysis.
  4. How will research progress be balanced with student learning and development? Designing an inclusive experience that includes peer-reviews and addresses the limitations imposed by the course structure.
  5. How will the research learning tasks be structured to foster students’ development as [scholars]? Scaffolding the CURE and individual assignments, fostering reflection, and promoting successful group work.
  6. How will students communicate the results of their research? Choosing the appropriate mode of communication to reflect authentic scholarship and ensure equity.
  7. How will [the progress and experience of students] be assessed? Adopting a mode of grading that is true to the research process as well as transparent and inclusive for all students.
  8. How will research learning tasks change as discoveries are made and initial research questions are answered? Including iteration within the course and ensuring the success of a CURE over the long term.
  9. What are the logistical obstacles and solutions for the different steps of the CURE? Overcoming problems accessing and analyzing data and funding a CURE.
  10. What are the roles of instructional [and support] staff? Transforming instructors into mentors to support students and teaching assistants.
  11. How will the success of the CURE be assessed? Assessing the usefulness of the scaffold of the CURE and its individual activities and evaluating the success of the research and the students.


  1. Successful CUREs across disciplines

Many successful CUREs have been developed across institutions, course-levels, and disciplines. Table 4 presents a selection of CUREs, sorted by discipline, focusing on examples that provide templates or curriculum elements for the replication of the experience or its implementation in a different context. These examples can be used to start reflecting on the questions presented above.


Examples of CUREs across disciplines and topic

References for CUREs at the introductory and/or upper level in Anthropology, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Criminal Justice, Engineering, Forensic Science, Geosciences, Human Resource Development, Information security, Linguistics, Mathematics, Psychology, Physics, as well as Writing and Composition.
Discipline Level Topic Reference
Anthropology Both Equity, Health, Obesity, etc. Ruth et al., 2021
Biology Both Botany Ward et al., 2014
Biology Both Conservation Biology Sorensen et al., 2018
Biology Both DBER Cooper & Brownell, 2018
Biology Both DBER Mohammed et al., 2021
Biology Both Ecology Russell et al., 2015
Biology Both Genomics – GEP Lopatto et al., 2008
Biology Both Genomics – GEP Shaffer et al., 2010
Biology Both Genomics – GEP Shaffer et al., 2014
Biology Both Microbiology Adkins-Jablonsky et al., 2020
Biology Both Microbiology Lyles & Oli, 2022
Biology Both Microbiology Zelaya et al., 2020
Biology Both Molecular Biology Russell et al., 2015
Biology Both Molecular Biology/Ecology… Poole et al., 2022
Biology Both Public Health Malotky et al., 2020
Biology Intro Developmental Biology Sarmah et al., 2016
Biology Intro Ecological Genetics Bucklin & Mauger, 2022
Biology Introductory Botany Murren et al., 2019
Biology Introductory Ecology Brownell et al., 2012
Biology Introductory Ecology Fukami, 2013
Biology Introductory Ecology Genet, 2021
Biology Introductory Ecology Kloser et al., 2011
Biology Introductory Ecology Kloser et al., 2013
Biology Introductory Ecology Young et al., 2021
Biology Introductory Field Ecology Stanfield et al., 2022
Biology Introductory Field Ecology Thompson et al., 2016
Biology Introductory Genetics Brownell et al., 2015
Biology Introductory Genetics Mills et al., 2021
Biology Introductory Genetics/Ecology/Evolution… Bakshi et al., 2016
Biology Introductory Genomics Bowling et al., 2016
Biology Introductory Genomics Burnette & Wessler, 2013
Biology Introductory Genomics Chen et al., 2005
Biology Introductory Genomics Evans et al., 2021
Biology Introductory Genomics Hatfull et al., 2006
Biology Introductory Genomics Makarevitch et al., 2015
Biology Introductory Genomics Wiley & Stover, 2014
Biology Introductory Genomics Wolkow et al., 2014
Biology Introductory Genomics – SEA- PHAGES Harrison et al., 2011
Biology Introductory Microbiology Peyton & Skorupa, 2021
Biology Introductory Molecular Biology Hekmat-Scafe et al., 2017
Biology Introductory Neuroscience Waddell et al., 2021
Biology Upper Cell Biology Shapiro et al., 2015
Biology Upper Cell Biology Siritunga et al., 2011
Biology Upper Conservation Biology Gastreich, 2020
Biology Upper Ecology Shapiro et al., 2015
Biology Upper Genetics Delventhal & Steinhauer, 2020
Biology Upper Genetics Li et al., 2016
Biology Upper Genetics McDonough et al., 2017
Biology Upper Genomics Drew & Triplett, 2008
Biology Upper Genomics Dunne et al., 2014
Biology Upper Genomics Harvey et al., 2014
Biology Upper Genomics Martin et al., 2020
Biology Upper Immunology Cooper et al., 2019
Biology Upper Metagenomics Baker et al., 2021
Biology Upper Microbiology DeHaven et al., 2022
Biology Upper Microbiology Jurgensen et al., 2021
Biology Upper Microbiology Pedwell et al., 2018
Biology Upper Microbiology Petrie, 2020
Biology Upper Microbiology Sewall et al., 2020
Biology Upper Microbiology Shapiro et al., 2015
Biology Upper Microbiology Zelaya et al., 2020
Biology Upper Molecular Biology Shanle et al., 2016
Biology Upper Molecular Biology Shapiro et al., 2015
Biology Upper Molecular Biology Shuster et al., 2019
Biology Upper Molecular Biology Siritunga et al., 2011
Biology Upper Physiological Ecology Ramírez-Lugo et al., 2021
Biology Upper Physiology Rennhack et al., 2020
Biology Upper Restoration Ecology Valliere et al., 2022b
Biology Upper Urban Ecology Valliere et al., 2022a
Biology Upper Virology Shapiro et al., 2015
Biology* Introductory Genomics – SEA- PHAGES Jordan et al., 2014
Biology* Introductory Microbiology Genné-Bacon & Bascom-Slack, 2018
Biology* Introductory Plant Microbiome Bascom-Slack et al., 2012
Biology† Introductory Molecular Biology Boltax et al., 2015
Biology† Introductory Molecular Biology Rowland et al., 2012
Biology† Introductory Organismal Biomechanics Full et al., 2015
Business Upper Retail Sternquist et al., 2018
Chemistry Both Biochemistry Roberts et al., 2019
Chemistry Both Biochemistry Shelby, 2019
Chemistry Both Biochemistry Vater et al., 2021
Chemistry Introductory Analytical Chemistry Silvestri, 2018
Chemistry Introductory Biochemistry Bell, 2011
Chemistry Introductory Biochemistry Chaari et al., 2020
Chemistry Introductory Biochemistry Knutson et al., 2010
Chemistry Introductory Bioremediation Silsby et al., 2022
Chemistry Introductory General Chemistry Blumling et al., 2022
Chemistry Introductory General Chemistry Miller et al., 2022
Chemistry Introductory General Chemistry Tomasik et al., 2013
Chemistry Introductory General Chemistry Weaver et al., 2006
Chemistry Introductory General Chemistry Winkelmann et al., 2015
Chemistry Introductory Organic Chemistry Alaimo et al., 2014
Chemistry Introductory Organic Chemistry Carr et al., 2018
Chemistry Introductory Organic Chemistry Cruz et al., 2020
Chemistry Introductory Organic Chemistry Pontrello, 2015
Chemistry Introductory Organic Chemistry Ruttledge, 1998
Chemistry Introductory Organic Chemistry Silverberg et al., 2018
Chemistry Introductory Organic Chemistry Weaver et al., 2006
Chemistry Introductory Organic Chemistry Wilczek et al., 2022
Chemistry Upper Analytical Chemistry Tomasik et al., 2014
Chemistry Upper Biochemistry Ayella & Beck, 2018
Chemistry Upper Biochemistry Colabroy, 2011
Chemistry Upper Biochemistry Large et al., 2022
Chemistry Upper Biochemistry Satusky et al., 2022
Chemistry Upper Biophysical Chemistry Hati & Bhattacharyya, 2018
Chemistry Upper Medicinal Chemistry Williams & Reddish, 2018
Chemistry Upper Polymer Chemistry Karlsson et al., 2022
Chemistry* Introductory General Chemistry Clark et al., 2016
Chemistry† Introductory Biochemistry Rowland et al., 2012
Chemistry† Introductory Organic Chemistry Boltax et al., 2015
Criminal Justice Introductory Crime statistics Kruis et al., 2022
Criminal Justice Introductory Crime statistics McLean et al., 2021
Engineering Introductory Biofluid Mechanics Clyne et al., 2019
Engineering Upper Software Development Abler et al., 2011
Engineering† Introductory Organismal Biomechanics Full et al., 2015
Forensic Science Upper Next Generation Sequencing Elkins & Zeller, 2020
Geosciences Introductory DBER Kortz & van der Hoeven Kraft, 2016
Geosciences Upper Field Geomorphology May et al., 2009
Geosciences Upper Field Glaciology Connor, 2009
Geosciences Upper Field Petrology Gonzales & Semken, 2009
Human Resource Development Upper Any Hwang & Franklin, 2022
Information Security Upper Vulnerability Scanning Xu et al., 2022
Linguistics Introductory Phonetics and Phonology Bjorndahl & Gibson, 2022
Mathematics Both Any Deka et al., 2022
Physics Introductory Solar Physics Werth et al., 2022
Psychology Upper Cognitive Neuroscience Wilson, 2022
Psychology Upper Music Psychology Hernandez-Ruiz & Dvorak, 2020
Writing & Composition Introductory Oral History Parsons et al., 2021
Writing & Composition Introductory Writing Pedagogy Kao et al., 2020

Table 4. Examples of CUREs across disciplines and topic. * CURE implemented at the Ohio State University, † Interdisciplinary CURE


In addition to the many published CUREs, there are also several CUREs that have been developed across the campuses of Ohio State in STEM, social sciences, and humanities. Table 5 provides examples of these courses at the time of writing including the instructor or contact person who may be able to provide documents from their course and/or insights into their experience developing and implementing the CURE.

Examples of unpublished CUREs across disciplines and topic at the Ohio State University

Information for select CUREs in STEM, Social sciences, and Humanities at the Ohio State University
Discipline Course Topic Contact Information
Microbiology Micro 2100 Yeasts and Fermentation Steven Carlson: carlson.271@osu.edu
Evolutionary Biology EEOB 4220 Mammal Ecology and Evolution Ryan Norris: norris.667@osu.edu
Comparative Studies CS 5189-S Field Ethnography Katherine Borland: borland.19@osu.edu, Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth: waugh-quasebarth.1@osu.edu
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies WGSST 2550 History of Feminist Thought Mytheli Sreenivas, sreenivas.2@osu.edu
History HIST 2475 History of the Holocaust Robin Judd, judd.18@osu.edu
English ENG 4523 Renaissance London: Literature, Culture, and Place, 1540-1660 Chris Highley, highly.1@osu.edu

Table 5. Examples of unpublished CUREs across disciplines and topic at the Ohio State University.


2. Expected learning outcomes of CUREs

CUREs can help foster student success in different components of the curriculum. They can be implemented at the introductory level as well as in upper classes (Table 3) and even in first-year seminars (Vater et al., 2019); they can lead to thesis projects and fulfill other writing requirements; they can also involve extensive laboratory work (e.g., Pontrello, 2015), field work (e.g., Gonzales & Semken, 2009; Messager et al., 2022; Thompson et al., 2016), or community-based interventions (e.g., Malotky et al., 2020). As such, CUREs may be appropriate as entire classes or elements of classes in foundation courses, theme courses, honors classes, non-major courses, required introductory courses for the major, or upper-level electives.

The first step in the design of a CURE is to identify the desired pedagogical goals for the course. Keep in mind that pedagogical goals, or learning goals, describe what you as instructor, and your program, aim for with the CURE. They give students a general idea of what they will gain from the CURE. Expected learning outcomes (ELOs) describe what students are able to do at the outset of the CURE. ELOs are specific statements that use action verbs to state what student should achieve; they should be measurable and realistic.

There are three important categories of learning goals to consider. The first one concerns discipline-specific knowledge and skills, including technical skills. The second one is concerned with soft skills, including broadly applicable competences in communication and habits that promote success, like the ability to work well as part of a team. The third category of learning goals that is worth including in the framework of a CURE is personal goals. Encouraging students to develop their own learning goals for the CURE can be a powerful way to increase buy-in and ownership of the project (see [Activity 1]). It has also been linked to more positive impacts of the course for students (Lopatto et al., 2022). Whichever of these three categories they belong to, the goals should be aligned with appropriate expected learning outcomes.

Discipline-specific goals can be sourced from program guidelines and department resources. In the case of courses redesigned into CUREs, the learning goals articulated for the non-CURE format of the class should also be considered. Learning goals adapted to CUREs, particularly learning goals that incorporate technical skills, can be found in the CURE literature (e.g., Connor et al., 2022; Hanauer et al., 2017; Mishra et al., 2022; Table 4) and select dedicated publications (e.g., Irby et al., 2018). An additional source of learning goals may be found in the discipline-based education research literature, particularly concept inventories. Concept inventories and concept assessments, more than lists of discipline-specific learning goals, enable the evaluation of student learning through validated sets of multiple-choice questions (Libarkin, 2008). There exists concept inventories for a large number of disciplines and topics, particularly in STEM (Libarkin, 2008; Table 6); there are also databases of learning objectives for some disciplines (e.g., Bioliteracy; Chemistry, Life, the Universe, and Everything).


Published concept inventories in biology, earth sciences, physics, psychology, astronomy, and chemistry
Table 6. Examples of published concept inventories

Learning outcomes can be drawn from program requirements and general education curriculum expectations. At the Ohio State University, competencies and skills that are not discipline-specific are articulated in the expected learning outcomes of the foundations, themes, integrative practices, and embedded literacies of the general education curriculum (Ohio State GE Program). Like at many other institutions, additional expected learning outcomes exist for the Honors program (Honors Program Goals).

Foundations courses enable students to gain a well-rounded education across academic disciplines and modes of inquiry. At Ohio State, students are required to take a course in each of seven fields of study (GE Program Structure), each associated with five to eight ELOs. Theme courses have their own sets of ELOs based on the theme they fall under. Theme courses are particularly appropriate for CUREs because the implementation of a CURE in a theme course enables it to qualify as a high impact practice course. The integrative practice inventory itself dictates ten expectations for these courses; they should be carefully considered at the time of design. Within a major, courses at the introductory or upper level can be valuable contexts to develop CUREs. Courses within the major are driven in part by the ELOs of the embedded literacies. Honors courses should satisfy ELOs from the Honors program.

Instructors should select learning outcomes from the appropriate list based on the nature of the course being developed (see question 1 starting on p. 51). Based on the discipline of the course, a subset of the ELOS for the foundation courses, theme courses, or embedded literacies are relevant. Once the ELOs for the course have been selected, they should be translated to specific outcomes for the CURE being developed. Specific learning outcomes should be center ed around students. All statements should start with “Student will be able to …” This statement should be followed by an action verb appropriate for the goal (see Verb wheel for examples). Each CURE outcome should also be associated with specific assignments that will enable the instructor to assess whether students have met the desired course outcome; in application of the backward-design approach (see p. 32). Examples of such alignment efforts are shown below for select learning outcomes. Instructors developing their own CUREs can contact the Office of Academic Enrichment (https://osas.osu.edu/oae/) as well as the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry (https://ugresearch.osu.edu/) for assistance in translating the learning outcomes of university-wide programs into course-specific ELOs. Best practices in writing and using learning goals are reviewed in Orr et al. (2022) at http://lse.ascb.org/learning-objectives/.

For each of the four curricular context identified above for Ohio State, tables 7-10 show the alignment between select ELOs, their translation for different example CURES in different disciplinary contexts (STEM, social sciences, and humanities or any), and a proposed assignment enabling the evaluation of the ELO. The assessment of learning outcome competency is critical and should be integrated in the design process of the course (see Mishra et al., 2022 for an example).


Examples of ELO alignments for Foundation courses

Select Expected Learning Outcomes for Foundation courses associated with examples of translation to specific CUREs and proposed assessments
Expected Learning Outcome

Translation to specific CUREs

Proposed assessment

Generate ideas and informed responses incorporating diverse perspectives and information from a range of sources, as appropriate to the communication situation



Compare results of analyses to published findings Discussion section of the manuscript will be assessed for explicit comparisons with the results of prior studies on different organisms
Integrate perspectives from different actors to explain social interactions Compare and analyze the transcripts of the interviews coding for commonalities
Organize raw narrative data into usable research data Develop an indexing system (e.g., titles and keywords) for organizing oral histories into a searchable database
Draw appropriate inferences from data based on quantitative analysis and/or logical reasoning



Interpret results of statistical analyses of phenotypic data in light of ecology Results and discussion sections of the manuscript will be assessed for match between statistical test results, conclusions about significance, and interpretation in terms of locomotion
Correlate quantitative demographic data and questionnaire responses to test specific hypotheses Graphical analysis of the relationship between anthropometric data and views of others’ bodies
Analyze word-frequency data to identify linguistic changes Quantitatively identify important language change events and their relationship with political, historical, and sociological phenomena
Analyze and interpret significant works of visual, spatial, literary and/or performing arts and design Integrate historical context and iconographic analysis to critically assess the representation of past events Write a critical analysis of a colonial art painting from the MET collection
Use historical sources and methods to construct an integrated perspective on at least one historical period, event or idea that influences human perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors Combine the writings of different authors representing opposite interest groups to understand historical upheavals Synthesize into an essay the works of revolutionary and anti-revolutionary proponents to qualify the atmosphere prior to the July revolution in France in the early 19th century
Employ the processes of science through exploration, discovery, and collaboration to interact directly with the natural world when feasible, using appropriate tools, models, and analysis of data As a group, assemble a database from field specimens that will enable novel analyses Collaboratively build a thorough dataset of qualitative and quantitative morphological information from wild plants for the Ohio State Marion prairie
Critically evaluate and responsibly use information from the social and behavioral sciences Assess the value of published data and the context in which these were collected Analyze a time-series of census data and rigorously determine the possible effects of biases on the data
Explain how categories including race, ethnic and gender diversity continue to function within complex systems of power to impact individual lived experiences and broader societal issues Associate personal narratives with patterns in socioeconomic data Review journalistic articles presenting personal stories of people representing race, ethnic and gender diversity and link them with quantitative data from the social science literature

Table 7. Examples of ELO alignments for Foundation courses


Examples of ELO alignments for Theme courses

Select Expected Learning Outcomes for Theme courses associated with examples of translation to specific CUREs and proposed assessments
Expected Learning Outcome

Translation to specific CUREs

Proposed assessment

Identify, reflect on and apply the knowledge, skills and dispositions required for intercultural competence as a global citizen Evaluate the component skills of intercultural competence Reflection on personal competency in the components of intercultural identity
Demonstrate a developing sense of self as a learner through reflection, self-assessment and creative work, building on prior experiences to respond to new and challenging contexts Assess changes in metacognition over the course of the CURE Reflection workbook activities on information literacy
Engage in an advanced, in-depth, scholarly exploration of the topic or idea of sustainability Summarize the state of the research on the management of natural resources Collaborative literature review activity summarizing papers of the students’ choosing on the management of natural energy resources
Analyze the roles of different stakeholders in the adoption of sustainability policies and commitments worldwide Critical essay of the roles of political and economic stakeholders in a decision made at the COP26
Synthesize the historical perspective of the concept of sustainability Write an essay on the historical developments that have led to the modern concept of sustainable development
Explore and analyze health and well-being from theoretical, socio-economic, scientific, historical, cultural, technological, policy and/or personal perspectives Synthesize health outcome data from multiple fields of study Integrate data from the medical literature and experimental work in model animals to inform the relationship between pollution and chronic health conditions
Evaluate how mental attitudes affects health efforts Test the hypothesis that positive mental attitudes lead to significantly greater engagement in healthy behaviors
Summarize historical data on population health Compare health metrics in England between Tudor and Victorian times

Table 8. Examples of ELO alignments for Theme courses


Examples of ELO alignments for Embedded literacies

Select Expected Learning Outcomes for Embedded literacies associated with examples of translation to specific CUREs and proposed assessments
Expected Learning Outcome Translation to specific CUREs Proposed assessment
Apply methods needed to analyze and critically evaluate statistical arguments Re-analyze published data to evaluate the validity of proposed paradigms Graphic of the distributions of isotope masses and associated summary statistics for previously analyzed supernovae
Critical evaluation of published quantitative data of three select psychoanalysis studies
Use network analysis to investigate the World Religions Paradigm
Interpret the results of qualitative data analysis to answer research question(s) Use visual analysis of rock samples to determine lithology in the field Lithological characterization of rock units of geological map
Employ questionnaires to investigate major cultural anthropology questions Survey immigrant populations in the Columbus area to shed light on the processes that help groups of people maintain their culture
Explain the role of theatre reviews in the dramatic arts Synthesize reviews of theatrical performances to characterize the status of theatre through time
Develop scholarly, creative, or professional products that are meaningful to them and their audience Cooperatively develop a publication-quality manuscript in a given journal format Manuscript accompanied by self and peer-reflection of contribution to the final product
Recognize how technologies emerge and change Articulate the significance of a recent technological advancement for future research in chemical engineering Group Pecha-Kucha presentations of case studies involving micro computed tomography in chemical engineering
Appreciate the importance of technological exchanges across the world Create a map of technological advancements that led to the development of the computer mouse
Explain the role of historical advancements in technology on human societies Essay on the consequences of the invention of the printing press on the dissemination of information in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries

Table 9. Examples of ELO alignments for Embedded Literacies


Examples of ELO alignments for Honors courses

Select Expected Learning Outcomes for Honors courses associated with examples of translation to specific CUREs and proposed assessments
Expected Learning Outcome Translation to specific CUREs Proposed assessment
Reflect on ways in which their learning furthered their aspirations Identify professional skills improved through the CURE Pre/post self-efficacy and aspirations survey (e.g., Martin et al., 2021)
Identify, assess, and compare how scholars from a diversity of perspectives in different fields and disciplines approach their most challenging problems Integrate knowledge from different subfields relevant to your research project Contrast the strengths and weaknesses of molecular and morphological approaches in resolving phylogenetic relationships within Mammalia
Contrast the policy solutions proposed by academics from different leanings Evaluate the differences between the policies suggested by economists from various schools of thought in response to the Great Recession
Undertake a comparative analysis of a topic treated by different writing modes Contrast a non-fiction graphic novel and a biography or historical/journalistic book discussing the same topic
Take on a variety of roles within groups Use appropriate language and communication skills to fulfill a given role within a group Effectively engage in group discussion in the different capacities identified by the instructor
Communicate using modalities that are effective and inclusive relative to the intended audience Model inclusive interactions during group activities Self and peer-evaluations of group work
Articulate what success looks like for them in both personal and professional contexts Develop three personalized learning goals for the semester Self-assess progress on these goals and participate in an end of the semester conference
Demonstrate a growth mindset to integrate new information and ways of thinking Evaluate self-efficacy and acquisition of new skills Reflect on self-efficacy and acquisition of new skills pre and post CURE

Table 10. Examples of ELO alignments for Honors courses