

Driving Educational Change: Innovations in Action was written as part of a graduate course on Learning Technologies Diffusion, Innovation and Change taught by Associate Professor of Learning Technologies, Ana-Paula Correia. This graduate course was offered in a blended format at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio from January to May of 2018.

This eBook is the result of a collaborative endeavor between professor/editor and students/authors. The students/authors not only wrote this book collaboratively, but they have also worked together on a table of contents, title, book cover, selection of a publishing tool, and dissemination plan.

Thank you to Karen Bruce Wallace who diligently worked on editing the text and Caglar Sulun who created the cover design.

To reference this resource use: Correia, A.-P. (2018) (Ed.). Driving Educational Change: Innovations in Action. eBook, available at https://ohiostate.pressbooks.pub/drivechange/