
12 Graphical User Interfaces

This chapter is a work in progress.

A crucial and often-overlooked aspect of modern software is the user interface. In the first few chapters, interaction between the user and the program was limited to simple command-line input & output. Chapter 11 introduced some simple graphical input & output capabilities – dialog and message boxes. This chapter discusses full graphical user interface (GUI) programming using the App Designer utility. While GUI programming can be complex, App Designer automatically generates the user interface code, allowing the programmer to focus on the computational aspects of the app.

12.1 Graphical Objects and Handles

Before delving into GUI design with App Designer, it is important to understand the concept of a graphical object “handle.” First, a graphical object is a structure that the user interacts with. Examples that we have covered so far include figure windows, plots, axes, dialog boxes and message boxes. Some additional graphical object types that are discussed in this chapter are buttons, menus, and text or numeric entry fields. The handle to a graphical object is a reference to the object that enables a program to interrogate or change the properties of the object.

As a first example of using graphical object handles, consider creating a figure window, axes, and plot, while assigning a handle to each of these objects, so that the properties can be modified later in the program.

>> fig1 = figure();

>> ax1 = axes();

>> pl1 = plot(xvals, yvals);

fig1, ax1, and pl1 are handles that can be used to inspect or change the properties of the objects. “Properties” includes a wide range of attributes, such as size and position on the screen, font size and color, line style and width, etc. The list of properties of an object can be seen two ways:

  1. display the object from the command window:

>> fig1

Figure (1) with properties:

Number: 1
Name: ''
Color: [0.9400 0.9400 0.9400]
Position: [360 198 560 420]
Units: 'pixels'

Show all properties

When “all properties” is clicked, the full list is displayed:

Alphamap: [1×64 double]
BeingDeleted: ‘off’
BusyAction: ‘queue’
ButtonDownFcn: ”
Children: [1×1 Axes]
Clipping: ‘on’
CloseRequestFcn: ‘closereq’
Color: [0.9400 0.9400 0.9400]
Colormap: [256×3 double]
CreateFcn: ”
CurrentAxes: [1×1 Axes]
CurrentCharacter: ”
CurrentObject: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder]
CurrentPoint: [0 0]
DeleteFcn: ”
DockControls: ‘on’
FileName: ”
GraphicsSmoothing: ‘on’
HandleVisibility: ‘on’
InnerPosition: [360 198 560 420]
IntegerHandle: ‘on’
Interruptible: ‘on’
InvertHardcopy: ‘on’
KeyPressFcn: ”
KeyReleaseFcn: ”
MenuBar: ‘figure’
Name: ”
NextPlot: ‘add’
Number: 1
NumberTitle: ‘on’
OuterPosition: [353 191 574.6667 507.3333]
PaperOrientation: ‘portrait’
PaperPosition: [1.3333 3.3125 5.8333 4.3750]
PaperPositionMode: ‘auto’
PaperSize: [8.5000 11]
PaperType: ‘usletter’
PaperUnits: ‘inches’
Parent: [1×1 Root]
Pointer: ‘arrow’
PointerShapeCData: [16×16 double]
PointerShapeHotSpot: [1 1]
Position: [360 198 560 420]
Renderer: ‘opengl’
RendererMode: ‘auto’
Resize: ‘on’
Scrollable: ‘off’
SelectionType: ‘normal’
SizeChangedFcn: ”
Tag: ”
ToolBar: ‘auto’
Type: ‘figure’
UIContextMenu: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder]
Units: ‘pixels’
UserData: []
Visible: ‘on’
WindowButtonDownFcn: ”
WindowButtonMotionFcn: ”
WindowButtonUpFcn: ”
WindowKeyPressFcn: ”
WindowKeyReleaseFcn: ”
WindowScrollWheelFcn: ”
WindowState: ‘normal’
WindowStyle: ‘normal’Units: ‘pixels’

Any of these properties can be changed by an assignment statement. For example, to change the background color of the figure to blue-green:

>> fig1.Color = [0, 0.5, 0.5];  %RBG values

2.) Click on the object in the workspace. This will open the Property Inspector:

In this window, the properties can be both viewed and changed, by editing the values in the edit fields.

The following example shows how the properties of a plot can be changed under program control. Suppose that the function temperature_measurement() reads a temperature value from a sensor, and the function PID() applies a control signal to a temperature controller. The program continuously makes measurements and plots them. If the temperature exceeds the maximum permitted level, the plot line color is changed to red as a warning.

%Make the first temperature measurement and initialize the plot
T = temperature_measurement(0);
tstart= clock();    %read the system clock to get the start time
t = 0;              %initialize elapsed time to 0
ph1 = plot(t, T);   %create a handle to access the plot properties later
xlabel('Time (Seconds)')
ylabel('Temperature (^o C)')
title('Response of PID Temperature Controller')
%Run until user deletes the plot
while isvalid(ph1)
    %Call the function that measures the temperature
    T(end + 1) = temperature_measurement(y);
    %Calculate the new control signal based on a PID control function
    y = PID(T,T_set, P, I, D, N);
    %update the plot data
    %elapsed time in [years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds]
    elapsed_time = clock()-tstart;  
    %elapsed time in seconds (must be < 1 month)
    seconds = sum(elapsed_time.*[0,0,86400,3600,60,1]);  
    if isvalid(ph1)   %check if plot has not been deleted first
              %Add the latest point to the plot data via the plot handle
        ph1.XData = [ph1.XData, seconds];
        ph1.YData = [ph1.YData, T(end)];
    %If temperature exceeds upper limit, change line to red, 
    %otherwise green
    if T(end) > Tmax
        ph1.Color = [1,0,0];
        ph1.Color = [0, 1, 0];
    pause(0.5)  %wait half a second to make the next measurement

Lecture Video 12.1 – Graphical Objects


12.2 GUI Programming with App Designer

Writing a full graphical user interface with menus, buttons, and other graphical objects is a complex undertaking. Fortunately, Mathworks provides a utility, App Designer, that automates much of the process. With App Designer, a GUI can be designed simply by clicking and dragging objects onto a palette,  then making a few edits in the Property Inspector to change the appearance as desired.

Since it is difficult (and tedious) to describe an interactive program in text, watch this video for an introduction to App Designer. The simple app described here shows 3 of the most basic operations in an app:

  • reading values from an edit field (user-entered parameters)
  • responding to a button press
  • displaying results to a text label

Lecture Video 12.2 – App Designer



Another method of user input in an interactive program is mouse clicking. This video demonstrates an app that detects where on a figure a mouse click occurred and takes a different action depending on the clicked coordinates.

Lecture 12.3 – Mouse Clicks

You can download the app discussed in the video and the image file:




A widely used feature in interactive programs is a drop-down menu. This video demonstrates how to add a menu to an app and how to determine which menu item was selected by the user.

Lecture 12.4 – Drop-down Menu

app used in the video: adder_2.mlapp


In a GUI program, which is highly modular, sharing of information among callback functions is a key issue. This video shows how to use global variables for that purpose. (A more modern technique is the use of app properties, which is not covered here. See this Mathworks page for more information: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating_guis/share-data-across-callbacks-in-app-designer.html)


Lecture 12.5 – Using Global Variables


In some applications, it is desirable to change the appearance of the interface depending on user actions. This video shows one example of a dynamic interface: controlling the visibility of an object.

Lecture 12.6 – Controlling Visibility


This video shows how to use a data table, which facilitates user entry or program display of an array of values.

Lecture 12.7 – Data Table

app used in the video: table_app.mlapp


This video demonstrates three GUI features:

  • controlling the color and brightness of a lamp indicator
  • changing the position of an object under program control
  • responding to key presses and performing different actions depending on which key was pressed

Lecture 12.8 – Key Clicks and Lamp Indicator

app used in the video: lamp.mlapp




MATLAB Programming for Engineering Applications Copyright © by James Toney and jayakumar5. All Rights Reserved.