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Chapter 5. Writing Common Technical Documents

In this Chapter

  • Discussion of the purpose and audience for common types of technical documentation
  • Suggestions for how to approach writing different types of documents in academic and professional settings
  • Document guides that model the correct organization and content for the following documents:

5.1 Lab Report & Lab Memo
5.2 Executive Summary & Abstract
5.3 Progress Report


This chapter will provide an overview of the types of technical documentation you will write in First Year Engineering and in your academic career.

The term “technical documents” often refers to writing that describe products (people often think about technical documentation as being limited to user manuals), but the focus here will be primarily on lab and project documentation. In lab- and project- related writing, the communicator must describe processes and results—the actions taken and the outcomes observed. The communicator will typically offer an interpretation of the results or recommendations for next steps, but those interpretations and recommendations must be clearly supported by the findings and data.

In this context, it is vital for the engineer to communicate information accurately, precisely, and to the required level of specificity and technicality for your audience. Even in technical documentation, you will find varying levels of detail and technical needed for different readers, so always consider your audience—what they need to know and what they will need to do with the information (e.g. replicate the experiment or make a business decision).

Purpose, Audience & Outline of Technical Documents

This chart provides an overview of the documents the serve a function in the lab and project activities you will be doing in First Year Engineering—lab report, lab memo, executive summary, abstract, and progress report. The guidelines here and in the sections that follow are intended to help you better understand the role(s) of these documents and provide practical guides to assist you as you write in this new way. With that in mind, consider the following:

  • There is no single, authoritative standard for these documents. Different subfields, industries, companies, and even individuals have different expectations, but you will find that even with variations in section titles or writing style, they share similar conceptual patterns. Following the guidelines offered in this chapter will familiarize you with those patterns, but you should know that you will encounter variations and will need to be willing and able to adapt.
  • You may not be asked to produce every one of the documents on this list in your first year or even during your academic career—that is okay. Understanding how these documents are similar and different will improve your understanding of technical documentation as a whole and may be useful to you in the future.

Lab Report:


Delivers complete, formal documentation of the experiment or process. Most detailed version of lab documentation.

Audience able to recreate the lab (and results) based on the information.


No assumed familiarity or background with the specific experiment.

Assume subject matter peer level unless otherwise instructed.

Content Outline

  • Title Page
  • Executive Summary
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Experimental Methodology
  • Results (or Results & Description)
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion & Recommendations (or Summary & Conclusion)
  • Appendix

Length: As long as needed, unless otherwise instructed.

Lab Memo:


Delivers significant results and conclusions from the lab, but excludes detailed information about the experiment and methodology. More concise than the Lab Report as a result.

Audience able to understand the key findings in a concise document focused on relevant results and conclusions.


Generally familiar with the experiment background and context. Most useful in “internal” reporting situations, where the audience understands the need for the lab/experiment and wants to focus on results.

Assume subject matter peer level unless otherwise instructed.

Content Outline

  • Header
  • Introduction
  • Results & Discussion
  • Conclusion & Recommendations
  • Appendix

Length: As long as needed, unless otherwise instructed.

Executive Summary:


In one page, provides basic context, description of results, and conclusions.

Efficiently delivers information to aid decision-making—focused results and recommendations rather than detailed methodologies or extensive data.


Project stakeholders—often thought of as the business audience (the “executive”), but might also be peers or other technical experts looking for a concise summary.

Assumed familiar with the experiment background and context. Level of detail limited; level of technicality will be based on the audience’s background, needs, and goals.

Content Outline

  • Header
  • Introduction (Background & Purpose)
  • Results & Analysis
  • Conclusion & Recommendations
  • Appendix (if stand-alone document)

Length: 1 page maximum



Concise summary of a full report; high level description of object, methods, and findings; helps the reader determine if they want or need to read the full report


Subject matter peer level, but no assumed familiarity or background with the specific experiment. Scientific/technical expertise (cares about methods).

Content Outline

  • Introduction
  • Experimental Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion & Recommendations

Length: 1 page maximum

Progress Report:


Summarizes work completed and plans future work; may outline preliminary conclusions, but avoids drawing final conclusions because the project is still in progress.

Demonstrates competence and the ability to plan for and achieve project goals.

NOTE: Careful project documentation throughout makes it easier to produce terminal documentation.


Vested interest in the project or operation, but may approach from various perspectives (e.g. client vs. supervisor or business vs. technical).

Audience’s subject matter knowledge should affect the level of technicality and detail included in the report.

Content Outline

  • Report of progress (backward-looking)
    • Situation
    • Results & Analysis
    • Takeaways
  • Future work (forward-looking)
    • Situation
    • Upcoming goals
    • Upcoming schedule
  • Appendices

Length: Brevity valued; try to keep to 1 single-spaced page with additional information in appendices for First Year Engineering courses. May be longer in other contexts.


Key Takeaways

  • Use these document guides to inform the content and style of your documents.
  • Refer to assignment details or professional standards for specific requirements when developing a technical document.
  • Keep audience and purpose in mind to create a useful and cohesive document.