
Quechua III

Quechua III, in this course the learners can understand short conversations on simple and familiar topics using the appropriate tense time and vocabulary.  In this class, the students will finish with the list of all the suffixes of Quechua language, they will start working on the word and verb compounding. In this course, the learners will use on the basic and intermediate form all the suffix for Quechua language and begin to focus on compounding process with all the suffixes, from two to six in once. They can identify the main idea and supporting details of authentic and design reading material. The course will focus on improve and develop efficiently communicative skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening). Quechua to broaden the appreciation for quechua culture and traditions, that help us to understand and acquire different points view about life style and life conception in the world performance.


Quechua Copyright © by Elvia Andia Grageda. All Rights Reserved.