Literature Searches
Partido, B.B.
With a defined research question, the existing literature needs to be searched to find the answer to your research question. Multiple databases exist which will help locate primary sources (original research) and secondary sources (systematic reviews of primary research or meta-analysis studies).
The OSU Health Sciences Library purchases licenses to many journals. Make sure to log into the specific database from the HSL (esp. from off-campus) in order to access full text articles. This lists the most common databases to search for resources:
- PubMed- Use simple terms, use keywords from your PICO question, use MeSH headings with searches, Boolean operators (and, or, not)
- CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Professionals)
- PsychINFO (can be accessed through EBSCO, OvidSP, or ProQuest)
- Google Scholar
During the process of literature searches, the management of citations may be simplified using reference management software such as the following:
- Refworks– free for OSU students
- Zotero– free for all users
- Mendeley– free for all users
- EndNote– will need to purchase license