Paradise Lost

I. Satan Persuading Beelzebub

from Book I
Satan to Beelzebub:
“What though the field be lost?
All is not lost; the unconquerable will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield:
And what is else not to be overcome?
That glory never shall his wrath or might
Extort from me. To bow and sue° for grace ask
With suppliant knee, and deify his power,
Who from the terror of this arm so late
Doubted[1] his empire, that were low indeed,
That were an ignominy° and shame beneath disgrace
This downfall; since by fate the strength of gods
And this empyreal° substance cannot fail, celestial
Since through experience of this great event
In arms not worse, in foresight much advanced,
We may with more successful hope resolve
To wage by force or guile eternal war
Irreconcilable, to our grand foe,
Who now triumphs, and in th’ excess of joy
Sole reigning holds the tyranny of Heav’n.” (106-25)
“Is this the region, this the soil, the clime,”
Said then the lost Arch-Angel, “this the seat
That we must change for Heav’n, this mournful gloom
For that celestial light? Be it so, since he
Who now is sovran° can dispose and bid sovereign
What shall be right: farthest from him his best
Whom reason hath equaled, force hath made supreme
Above his equals. Farewell happy fields
Where joy forever dwells: hail horrors, hail
Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new possessor: one who brings
A mind not to be changed by place or time.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less then he[2]
Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; th’ Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav’n.
But wherefore let we then our faithful friends,
Th’ associates and copartners of our loss
Lie thus astonished on th’ oblivious pool,[3]
And call them not to share with us their part
In this unhappy mansion, or once more
With rallied arms to try what may be yet
Regained in Heaven, or what more lost in Hell?”
So spake th’ apostate* angel, though in pain, rebellious, sacrilege
Vaunting* aloud, but racked with deep despair. (243-74) boasting
II. Satan Persuading the Fallen Angels
Book II deals with the Council in Hell, in which Satan manipulates the fallen angels to accept his plan to defy God. Note that Satan does not propose the plan himself—his friend Beelzebub does so. Satan pretends to be soliciting advice about whether God is best attacked through force or guile. Moreover, Beelzebub waits until everybody else who wants to speak has had their say. What makes this an effective strategy?

from Book II
The Argument
The consultation begun, Satan debates whether another battle to be hazarded for the recovery of Heaven: some advise it, others dissuade: A third proposal is preferred, mentioned before by Satan to search the truth of that prophesy or tradition in Heaven concerning another world, and another kind of creature equal or not much inferior to themselves, about this time to be created: their doubt who shall be sent on this difficult search: Satan their chief undertakes alone the voyage, is honored and applauded. The council thus ended, the rest betake them several ways and to several employments, as their inclinations lead them, to entertain the time till Satan return. He passes on his journey to Hell gates, finds them shut, and who sat there to guard them, by whom at length they are op’ned, and discover to him the great gulf between Hell and Heaven; with what difficulty he passes through, directed by Chaos, the power of that place, to the sight of this new world which he sought.
High on a throne of royal state, which far
Outshone the wealth of Ormus[4] and of Ind°, India
Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand
Show’rs on her kings barbaric pearl and gold,
Satan exalted sat, by merit raised
To that bad eminence; and from despair
Thus high uplifted beyond hope, aspires
Beyond thus high, insatiate° to pursue insatiable
Vain war with Heav’n, and by success untaught
His proud imaginations thus displayed.
“Powers and dominions°, deities of Heav’n, orders of angels
For since no deep within her gulf can hold
Immortal vigor, though oppressed and fall’n,
I give not Heav’n for lost. From this descent
Celestial virtues rising, will appear
More glorious and more dread then from no fall,
And trust themselves to fear no second fate:
Me though just right, and the fixed laws of Heav’n
Did first create your leader, next free choice,
With what besides, in counsel or in fight,
Hath been achieved of merit, yet this loss
Thus far at least recovered, hath much more
Established in a safe unenvied throne
Yielded with full consent. The happier state
In Heav’n, which follows dignity, might draw
Envy from each inferior; but who here
Will envy whom the highest place exposes
Foremost to stand against the Thunderer’s aim
Your bulwark, and condemns to greatest share
Of endless pain? Where there is then no good
For which to strive, no strife can grow up there
From faction; for none sure will claim in Hell
Precedence, none, whose portion is so small
Of present pain, that with ambitious mind
Will covet more. With this advantage then
To union, and firm faith, and firm accord,
More than can be in Heav’n, we now return
To claim our just inheritance of old,
Surer to prosper then prosperity
Could have assured us; and by what best way,
Whether of open war or covert guile,
We now debate; who can advise, may speak.”
He ceased, and next him Moloch, sceptered king
Stood up, the strongest and the fiercest spirit
That fought in Heav’n; now fiercer by despair:
His trust was with th’ Eternal to be deemed
Equal in strength, and rather then be less
Cared not to be at all; with that care lost
Went all his fear: of God, or Hell, or worse
He recked° not, and these words thereafter spake cared, regarded
“My sentence is for open war: of wiles°, covert schemes
More unexpert°, I boast not: them let those less experienced
Contrive who need, or when they need, not now.
For while they sit contriving, shall the rest,
Millions that stand in arms, and longing wait
The signal to ascend, sit ling’ring here
Heav’ns fugitives, and for their dwelling place
Accept this dark opprobrious den of shame,
The prison of his tyranny who reigns
By our delay? No, let us rather choose
Armed with Hell flames and fury all at once
O’er Heav’ns high tow’rs to force resistless way,
Turning our tortures into horrid arms
Against the Torturer; when to meet the noise
Of his almighty engine° he shall hear i.e., the thunder
Infernal thunder, and for lightning see
Black fire and horror shot with equal rage
Among his angels; and his throne it self
Mixed with Tartarean sulphur,[5] and strange fire,
His own invented torments. But perhaps
The way seems difficult and steep to scale
With upright wing against a higher foe.
Let such bethink them, if the sleepy drench° drink
Of that forgetful° lake benumb not still, causing forgetfulness
That in our proper motion we ascend
Up to our native seat: descent and fall
To us is adverse. Who but felt of late
When the fierce foe hung on our brok’n rear
Insulting°, and pursued us through the deep, scorning
With what compulsion and laborious flight
We sunk thus low? Th’ ascent is easy then;
Th’ event is feared; should we again provoke
Our stronger, some worse way his wrath may find
To our destruction: if there be in Hell
Fear to be worse destroyed: what can be worse
Then to dwell here, driv’n out from bliss, condemned
In this abhorred deep to utter woe;
Where pain of unextinguishable fire
Must exercise° us without hope of end punish
The vassals° of his anger, when the scourge servants
Inexorably°, and the torturing hour relentlessly
We should be quite abolished and expire.
What fear we then? What doubt we to incense
His utmost ire? Which to the height enraged,
Will either quite consume us, and reduce
To nothing this essential°, happier far essence
Than miserable to have eternal being:
Or if our substance be indeed divine,
And cannot cease to be, we are at worst
On this side nothing;[6] and by proof° we feel experience
Our power sufficient to disturb his Heav’n,
And with perpetual inroads to alarm,
Though inaccessible, his fatal[7] throne:
Which if not victory is yet revenge.”
He ended frowning, and his look denounced° threatened
Desperate revenge, and battle dangerous
To less then gods. On th’ other side up rose
Belial, in act more graceful and humane°; courteous, polite
A fairer person lost not Heav’n; he seemed
For dignity composed and high exploit:
But all was false and hollow; though his tongue
Dropped manna,[8] and could make the worse appear
The better reason,[9] to perplex and dash
Maturest counsels: for his thoughts were low;
To vice industrious, but to nobler deeds
Timorous° and slothful: yet he pleased the ear, fearful
And with persuasive accent thus began.
“I should be much for open war, O peers,
As not behind in hate; if what was urged
Main reason to persuade immediate war,
Did not dissuade me most, and seem to cast
Ominous conjecture on the whole success:
When he who most excels in fact° of arms, feat
In what he counsels and in what excels
Mistrustful, grounds his courage on despair
And utter dissolution, as the scope° target
Of all his aim, after some dire revenge.
First, what revenge? The tow’rs of Heav’n are filled
With armed watch, that render all access
Impregnable[10]; oft on the bordering deep
Encamp their legions, or with obscure wing
Scout far and wide into the realm of night,
Scorning surprise. Or could we break our way
By force, and at our heels all Hell should rise
With blackest insurrection, to confound
Heav’ns purest light, yet our great enemy
All incorruptible would on his throne
Sit unpolluted, and th’ ethereal mold° heavenly/pure fire
Incapable of stain would soon expel
Her mischief, and purge off the baser fire
Victorious. Thus repulsed, our final hope
Is flat despair: we must exasperate
Th’ almighty victor to spend all his rage,
And that must end us, that must be our cure,
To be no more; sad cure; for who would loose,
Though full of pain, this intellectual being,
Those thoughts that wander through eternity,
To perish rather, swallowed up and lost
In the wide womb of uncreated night,
Devoid of sense and motion? And who knows,
Let this be good, whether our angry foe
Can give it, or will ever? How he can
Is doubtful; that he never will is sure.
Will he, so wise, let loose at once his ire,
Belike° through impotence, or unaware, perhaps
To give his enemies their wish, and end
Them in his anger, whom his anger saves
To punish endless? Wherefore cease we then?
Say they who counsel war, we are decreed,
Reserved and destined to eternal woe;
Whatever doing, what can we suffer more,
What can we suffer worse? Is this then worst,
Thus sitting, thus consulting, thus in arms?
What when we fled amain, pursued and strook[11]
With Heav’n’s afflicting thunder, and besought
The deep to shelter us? This Hell then seemed
A refuge from those wounds: or when we lay
Chained on the burning lake? That sure was worse.
What if the breath that kindled those grim fires
Awaked should blow them into sevenfold rage
And plunge us in the flames? Or from above
Should intermitted° vengeance arm again paused
His red right hand to plague us? What if all
Her stores were opened, and this firmament
Of Hell should spout her cataracts° of fire flood, downpour
Impendent° horrors, threat’ning hideous fall threatening
One day upon our heads; while we perhaps
Designing or exhorting glorious war,
Caught in a fiery tempest shall be hurled
Each on his rock transfixed, the sport and prey
Of racking whirlwinds, or for ever sunk
Under yon boiling ocean, wrapped in chains;
There to converse with everlasting groans,
Unrespited, unpitied, unreprieved,
Ages of hopeless end; this would be worse.
War therefore, open or concealed, alike
My voice dissuades; for what can force or guile[12]
With him, or who deceive his mind, whose eye
Views all things at one view? He from heav’n’s height
All these our motions vain, sees and derides;
Not more almighty to resist our might
Then wise to frustrate all our plots and wiles.
Shall we then live thus vile, the race of Heav’n
Thus trampled, thus expelled to suffer here
Chains and these torments? Better these then worse
By my advice; since fate inevitable
Subdues us, and omnipotent decree,
The victor’s will. To suffer, as to do,
Our strength is equal, nor the law unjust
That so ordains: this was at first resolved,
If we were wise, against so great a foe
Contending, and so doubtful what might fall.
I laugh, when those who at the spear are bold
And vent’rous°, if that fail them, shrink and fear adventurous
What yet they know must follow, to endure
Exile, or ignominy°, or bonds, or pain, disgrace
The sentence of their conqueror: this is now
Our doom; which if we can sustain and bear,
Our supreme foe in time may much remit
His anger, and perhaps thus far removed
Not mind us not offending, satisfied
With what is punished; whence these raging fires
Will slack’n, if his breath stir not their flames.
Our purer essence then will overcome
Their noxious vapor, or inured[13] not feel,
Or changed at length, and to the place conformed
In temper and in nature, will receive
Familiar the fierce heat, and void of pain;
This horror will grow mild, this darkness light,
Besides what hope the never-ending flight
Of future days may bring, what chance, what change
Worth waiting, since our present lot appears
For happy though but ill, for ill not worst,[14]
If we procure° not to our selves more woe.” accumulate
Thus Belial with words clothed in reason’s garb
Counseled ignoble ease, and peaceful sloth,
Not peace: and after him thus Mammon spake.
“Either to disenthrone the King of Heav’n
We war, if war be best, or to regain
Our own right lost: him to unthrone we then
May hope when everlasting fate shall yield
To fickle chance, and Chaos judge the strife:
The former vain to hope argues as vain
The latter:[15] for what place can be for us
Within Heav’n’s bound, unless Heav’n’s Lord supreme
We overpower? Suppose he should relent
And publish grace to all, on promise made
Of new subjection; with what eyes could we
Stand in his presence humble, and receive
Strict laws imposed, to celebrate his throne
With warbled hymns, and to his Godhead sing
Forced halleluiahs; while he lordly sits
Our envied Sovran, and his altar breathes
Ambrosial odors and ambrosial flowers,[16]
Our servile offerings. This must be our task
In Heav’n this our delight; how wearisome
Eternity so spent in worship paid
To whom we hate. Let us not then pursue
By force impossible, by leave obtained
Unacceptable, though in Heav’n, our state
Of splendid vassalage, but rather seek
Our own good from ourselves, and from our own
Live to our selves, though in this vast recess,
Free, and to none accountable, preferring
Hard liberty before the easy yoke° bondage
Of servile pomp. Our greatness will appear
Then most conspicuous, when great things of small,
Useful of hurtful, prosperous of adverse
We can create, and in what place soe’er
Thrive under evil, and work ease out of pain
Through labor and endurance. This deep world
Of darkness do we dread? How oft amidst
Thick clouds and dark doth heav’n’s all-ruling Sire
Choose to reside, his glory unobscured,
And with the majesty of darkness round
Covers his throne; from whence deep thunders roar
Must’ring their rage, and Heav’n resembles Hell?
As he our darkness, cannot we his light
Imitate when we please? This desert soil
Wants° not her hidden luster, gems and gold; lacks
Nor want we skill or art, from whence to raise
Magnificence; and what can Heav’n show more?
Our torments also may in length of time
Become our elements, these piercing fires
As soft as now severe, our temper changed
Into their temper; which must needs remove
The sensible of pain.[17] All things invite
To peaceful counsels, and the settled state
Of order, how in safety best we may
Compose° our present evils, with regard accept
Of what we are and were, dismissing quite
All thoughts of war: ye have what I advise.”
He scarce had finished, when such murmur filled
Th’ assembly, as when hollow rocks retain
The sound of blust’ring winds, which all night long
Had roused the sea, now with hoarse cadence°[18] lull
Sea-faring men o’erwatched,[19] whose bark by chance
Or pinnace° anchors in a craggy bay boat
After the tempest: such applause was heard
As Mammon ended, and his sentence pleased,
Advising peace: for such another field° battle
They dreaded worse then Hell: so much the fear
Of thunder and the sword of Michael[20]
Wrought still within them; and no less desire
To found this nether empire, which might rise
By policy, and long process of time,
In emulation opposite to Heav’n.
Which when Beelzebub perceived, then whom,
Satan except, none higher sat, with grave
Aspect° he rose, and in his rising seemed gaze, look
A pillar of state; deep on his front° engraven brow
Deliberation sat and public care;
And princely counsel in his face yet shone,
Majestic though in ruin: sage he stood
With Atlantean[21] shoulders fit to bear
The weight of mightiest monarchies; his look
Drew audience and attention still as night
Or summer’s noon-tide air, while thus he spake.
“Thrones and imperial powers, off-spring of Heav’n
Ethereal virtues; or these titles[22] now
Must we renounce, and changing style be called
Princes of Hell? For so the popular vote
Inclines, here to continue, and build up here
A growing empire; doubtless; while we dream,
And know not that the King of Heav’n hath doomed
This place our dungeon, not our safe retreat
Beyond his potent arm, to live exempt
From Heav’n’s high jurisdiction, in new league
Banded against his throne, but to remain
In strictest bondage, though thus far removed,
Under th’ inevitable curb, reserved
His captive multitude: For he, be sure
In height or depth, still first and last will reign
Sole king, and of his kingdom lose no part
By our revolt, but over Hell extend
His empire, and with iron scepter rule
Us here, as with his golden those in Heav’n.
What sit we then projecting peace and war?
War hath determined us,[23] and foiled with loss
Irreparable; terms of peace yet none
Vouchsafed° or sought; for what peace will be giv’n bestowed
To us enslaved, but custody° severe, imprisonment
And stripes, and arbitrary punishment
Inflicted? And what peace can we return,
But to our power[24] hostility and hate,
Untamed reluctance°, and revenge though slow resistance
Yet ever plotting how the conqueror least
May reap his conquest, and may least rejoice
In doing what we most in suffering feel?
Nor will occasion want, nor shall we need
With dangerous expedition to invade
Heav’n, whose high walls fear no assault or siege,
Or ambush from the deep. What if we find
Some easier enterprise? There is a place
(If ancient and prophetic fame in Heav’n
Err not) another world, the happy seat
Of some new race called Man, about this time
To be created like to us, though less
In power and excellence, but favored more
Of him who rules above; so was his will
Pronounced among the gods, and by an oath,
That shook Heav’n’s whole circumference, confirmed.
Thither let us bend all our thoughts, to learn
What creatures there inhabit, of what mold,
Or substance, how endued°, and what their power, equipped, endowed
And where their weakness, how attempted[25] best,
By force or subtlety: though Heav’n be shut,
And Heav’n’s high arbitrator sit secure
In his own strength, this place may lie exposed
The utmost border of his kingdom, left
To their defense who hold it: here perhaps
Some advantageous act may be achieved
By sudden onset, either with Hell fire
To waste his whole creation, or possess
All as our own, and drive as we were driven,
The puny habitants, or if not drive,
Seduce them to our party, that their God
May prove their foe, and with repenting hand
Abolish his own works.[26] This would surpass
Common revenge, and interrupt his joy
In our confusion, and our joy upraise
In his disturbance; when his darling sons
Hurled headlong to partake with us,[27] shall curse
Their frail original, and faded bliss,
Faded so soon. Advise if this be worth
Attempting, or to sit in darkness here
Hatching vain empires.” Thus Beelzebub
Pleaded his devilish counsel, first devised
By Satan, and in part proposed: for whence,
But from the author of all ill could spring
So deep a malice, to confound° the race destroy
Of mankind in one root,[28] and earth with Hell
To mingle and involve, done all to spite
The great Creator? But their spite still serves
His glory to augment. The bold design
Pleased highly those infernal states,[29] and joy
Sparkled in all their eyes; with full assent
They vote: whereat his speech he thus renews.
“Well have ye judged, well ended long debate,
Synod° of gods, and like to what ye are, assembly
Great things resolved; which from the lowest deep
Will once more lift us up, in spite of fate,
Nearer our ancient seat; perhaps in view
Of those bright confines, whence with neighboring arms
And opportune excursion we may chance
Re-enter Heav’n; or else in some mild zone
Dwell not unvisited of Heav’n’s fair light
Secure, and at the bright’ning orient beam
Purge off this gloom; the soft delicious air,
To heal the scar of these corrosive fires
Shall breathe her balm. But first whom shall we send
In search of this new world, whom shall we find
Sufficient? Who shall tempt with wand’ring feet
The dark unbottomed infinite abyss
And through the palpable obscure[30] find out
His uncouth° way, or spread his airy flight unfamiliar
Upborne with indefatigable° wings tireless
Over the vast abrupt°, ere he arrive (Chaos)
The happy isle; what strength, what art can then
Suffice, or what evasion bear him safe
Through the strict senteries° and stations thick sentries
Of angels watching round? Here he had need
All circumspection°, and we now no less careful observation
Choice in our suffrage;[31] for on whom we send,
The weight of all and our last hope relies.”
This said, he sat; and expectation held
His look suspense, awaiting who appeared
To second[32], or oppose, or undertake
The perilous attempt: but all sat mute,
Pondering the danger with deep thoughts; and each
In others count’nance read his own dismay
Astonished: none among the choice and prime
Of those Heav’n-warring champions could be found
So hardy as to proffer or accept
Alone the dreadful voyage; till at last
Satan, whom now transcendent glory raised
Above his fellows, with monarchal pride
Conscious of highest worth, unmoved thus spake.
“O progeny of Heav’n, empyreal thrones,
With reason hath deep silence and demur° delay
Seized us, though undismayed: long is the way
And hard, that out of Hell leads up to light;
Our prison strong, this huge convex of fire°, the vault of Hell
Outrageous to devour, immures us round
Ninefold,[33] and gates of burning adamant
Barred over us prohibit all egress°. escape
These past, if any pass, the void profound
Of unessential Night receives him next
Wide gaping, and with utter loss of being
Threatens him, plunged in that abortive gulf.[34]
If thence he scape into whatever world,
Or unknown region, what remains him less
Then unknown dangers and as hard escape.
But I should ill become this throne, O peers,
And this imperial sovranty, adorned
With splendor, armed with power, if aught proposed
And judged of public moment, in the shape
Of difficulty or danger could deter
Me from attempting. Wherefore do I assume
These royalties, and not refuse to reign,
Refusing to accept as great a share
Of hazard as of honor, due alike
To him who reigns, and so much to him due
Of hazard more, as he above the rest
High honored sits? Go therefore mighty powers,
Terror of Heav’n, though fallen; intend at home,
While here shall be our home, what best may ease
The present misery, and render Hell
More tolerable; if there be cure or charm
To respite° or deceive, or slack the pain pardon, relieve
Of this ill mansion: intermit no watch
Against a wakeful foe, while I abroad
Through all the coasts of dark destruction seek
Deliverance for us all: this enterprise
None shall partake with me. Thus saying rose
The monarch, and prevented all reply,
Prudent, least from his resolution raised
Others among the chief might offer now
(Certain to be refused) what erst they feared;
And so refused might in opinion stand
His rivals, winning cheap the high repute
Which he through hazard huge must earn. But they
Dreaded not more th’ adventure then his voice
Forbidding; and at once with him they rose;
Their rising all at once was as the sound
Of thunder heard remote. Towards him they bend
With awful° reverence prone; and as a god full of awe
Extol him equal to the Highest in Heav’n:
Nor failed they to express how much they praised,
That for the general safety he despised
His own: for neither do the spirits damned
Loose all their virtue; least bad men should boast
Their specious deeds[35] on earth, which glory excites,
Or close° ambition varnished o’er with zeal. hidden, secret
Thus they their doubtful consultations dark
Ended rejoicing in their matchless chief:
As when from mountain tops the dusky clouds
Ascending, while the north wind sleeps, o’erspread
Heav’n’s cheerful face, the louring° element gloomy, threatening
Scowls ore the dark’ned landscape snow, or show’r;
If chance the radiant sun with farewell sweet
Extend his evening beam, the fields revive,
The birds their notes renew, and bleating herds
Attest their joy, that hill and valley rings.
O shame to men! Devil with devil damned
Firm concord holds, men only disagree
Of creatures rational, though under hope
Of heavenly Grace: and God proclaiming peace,
Yet live in hatred, enmity, and strife
Among themselves, and levy cruel wars,
Wasting the Earth, each other to destroy:
As if (which might induce us to accord)
Man had not hellish foes enow° besides, enough
That day and night for his destruction wait.
Mastery Check:
- What strategy commonly found in guidebooks for rulers does Milton’s Satan adhere to?
- What question does Milton’s Satan put before the devils?
- In a sentence, summarize the arguments of Moloch, Beelzebub, Belial, and Mammon.
- Which of the devils sets forward Satan’s plan, and what strategies does he use to carry the day?
- What does Milton’s Satan have in common with a good coach?
- What tips might Satan give an aspiring CEO on how to manage a meeting?
- What mission does Satan volunteer for at the end of the Council in Hell?
III. Satan Persuading the Kids

Having persuaded his fellow devils to accede to his plan, Satan confidently wends his way towards Earth. He is surprised—and more than a little angry—to find his way barred by the guardians of the gates of Hell. The guardians are actually more closely related to him than he anticipated. But Satan thinks on his feet.
Mastery Check:
- How is Satan related to Sin and Death?
- How does Satan seduce Sin and Death?
IV. The Son Persuading the Father
Book III reprises themes from Book II: family and council. Note the parallels between Satan and the Son; both volunteer for a dangerous mission. Just as Satan must convince the fallen angels that destroying mankind is a good plan, the Son (ostensibly, anyhow) must convince the Father that saving mankind is a good plan. How would you characterize Milton’s God (the Father)? Is he altogether admirable, or could he be read as an egotistical tyrant? As you ponder this question, remember that Milton himself was a vocal opponent of tyranny.
from Book III
The Argument
God sitting on his throne sees Satan flying towards this world, then newly created; shows him to the Son who sat at his right hand; foretells the success of Satan in perverting mankind; clears his own justice and wisdom from all imputation, having created man free and able enough to have withstood his tempter; yet declares his purpose of grace towards him, in regard he fell not of his own malice; as did Satan, but by him seduced. The Son of God renders praises to his Father for the manifestation of his gracious purpose towards man; but God again declares, that grace cannot be extended towards man without the satisfaction of divine justice; man hath offended the majesty of God by aspiring to Godhead, and therefore with all his progeny devoted to death must die, unless some one can be found sufficient to answer for his offence, and undergo his punishment. The Son of God freely offers himself a ransom for man: the Father accepts him, ordains his incarnation, pronounces his exaltation above all names in Heaven and earth; commands all the angels to adore him; they obey, and hymning to their harps in full choir, celebrate the Father and the Son. Meanwhile Satan alights upon the bare convex of this world’s outermost orb; where wand’ring he first finds a place since called The Limbo of Vanity; what persons and things fly up thither; thence comes to the Gate of Heaven, described ascending by stairs, and the waters above the firmament that flow about it: his passage thence to the orb of the Sun; he finds there Uriel the regent of that orb, but first changes himself into the shape of a meaner angel; and pretending a zealous desire to behold the new creation and man whom God had placed here, inquires of him the place of his habitation, and is directed; alights first on Mount Niphates.
“O Father, gracious was that word which closed
Thy sovran sentence, that man should find grace;
For which both Heav’n and earth shall high extol
Thy praises, with th’ innumerable sound
Of hymns and sacred songs, wherewith thy throne
Encompassed shall resound thee ever blest.
For should man finally be lost, should man
Thy creature late so loved, thy youngest Son
Fall circumvented thus by fraud, though joined
With his own folly? That be from thee far,
That far be from thee, Father, who art judge
Of all things made, and judgest only right.
Or shall the Adversary thus obtain
His end, and frustrate thine, shall he fulfill
His malice, and thy goodness bring to naught,
Or proud return though to his heavier doom,
Yet with revenge accomplished and to Hell
Draw after him the whole race of mankind,
By him corrupted? Or wilt thou thy self
Abolish thy creation, and unmake,
For him, what for thy glory thou hast made?
So should thy goodness and thy greatness both
Be questioned and blasphemed without defense.”
Mastery Check:
- In what ways are Satan and the Son similar?
- How does Milton represent the Father?
- How does the Son persuade the Father to temper justice with mercy?
- Who knows how to effectively use the “slippery passive voice”?
V. Satan Persuading Himself
As Satan approaches Paradise, he is wracked by doubt. Why is he doing what he’s doing? Should he have chosen otherwise? Could he have? Has God hardwired him for failure, or is Satan just making excuses for himself? Can he know? Can we?
O For that warning voice, which he who saw
Th’ Apocalyps, heard cry in Heaven aloud,
Then when the Dragon, put to second rout°, retreat
Came furious down to be reveng’d on men,
Wo to the Inhabitants on Earth! that now,
While time was°, our first Parents had bin warnd° there was; warned
The coming of thir° secret foe, and scap’d° escaped
Haply° so scap’d his mortal snare; for now luckily
Satan, now first inflam’d with rage, came down,
The Tempter ere° th’ Accuser of man-kind, earlier
To wreck° on innocent frail man his loss take vengeance
Of that first Battel°, and his flight to Hell: battle
Yet not rejoycing in his speed, though bold,
Far off and fearless, nor with cause to boast,
Begins his dire attempt, which nigh° the birth soon, almost
Now rowling, boiles in his tumultuous brest,[36]
And like a devillish Engine back recoiles
Upon himself; horror and doubt distract
His troubl’d thoughts, and from the bottom stirr
The Hell within him, for within him Hell
He brings, and round about him, nor from Hell
One step no more then from himself can fly
By change of place: Now conscience wakes despair
That slumberd, wakes the bitter memorie
Of what he was, what is, and what must be
Worse; of worse deeds worse sufferings must ensue.
Sometimes towards Eden which now in his view
Lay pleasant, his grievd° look he fixes sad, troubled
Sometimes towards Heav’n and the full-blazing Sun,
Which now sat high in his Meridian Towre[37]:
Then much revolving, thus in sighs began.
O thou that with surpassing Glory crownd,
Look’st from thy sole Dominion like the God
Of this new World; at whose sight all the Starrs
Hide thir diminisht° heads; to thee I call, diminished
But with no friendly voice, and add thy name
O Sun, to tell thee how I hate thy beams
That bring to my remembrance from what state
I fell, how glorious once above thy Spheare°; (heavenly) sphere
Till Pride and worse Ambition threw me down
Warring in Heav’n against Heav’ns matchless King:
Ah wherefore!° he deservd no such return To what end!
From me, whom he created what I was
In that bright eminence, and with his good
Upbraided none; nor was his service hard.
What could be less then to afford him praise,
The easiest recompence°, and pay him thanks, compensation
How due! yet all his good prov’d° ill in me, proved
And wrought but° malice; lifted up so high. only
I sdeind° subjection, and thought one step higher disdained
Would set me highest, and in a moment quit° paid back
The debt immense of endless gratitude,
So burthensome°, still paying, still to ow°; burdensome; owe
Forgetful what from him I still receivd,
And understood not that a grateful mind
By owing owes not, but still pays, at once
Indebted and dischargd; what burden then?
O had his powerful Destiny ordaind° ordained
Me some inferiour Angel, I had stood
Then happie; no unbounded hope had rais’d
Ambition. Yet why not? som° other Power some
As great might have aspir’d, and me though mean
Drawn to his part; but other Powers as great
Fell not, but stand unshak’n, from within
Or from without, to all temptations arm’d.
Hadst thou the same free Will and Power to stand?
Thou hadst: whom hast thou then or what to accuse,
But Heav’ns free Love dealt equally to all?
Be then his Love accurst°, since love or hate, accursed
To me alike, it deals eternal woe.
Nay curs’d be thou; since against his thy will
Chose freely what it now so justly rues°. regrets
Me miserable! which way shall I flie° fly, escape
Infinite wrauth°, and infinite despaire? wrath
Which way I flie is Hell; my self am Hell;
And in the lowest deep a lower deep
Still threatning to devour me opens wide,
To which the Hell I suffer seems a Heav’n.
O then at last relent°: is there no place yield, give way
Left for Repentance, none for Pardon left?
None left but by submission; and that word
Disdain forbids me, and my dread° of shame fear
Among the spirits beneath, whom I seduc’d° tempted
With other promises and other vaunts° boasts, speeches
Then to submit, boasting I could subdue
Th’ Omnipotent. Ay me, they little know
How dearly I abide° that boast so vaine, suffer for
Under what torments inwardly I groane;
While they adore me on the Throne of Hell,
With Diadem° and Scepter high advanc’d° crown, raised
The lower still I fall, onely Supream° only Supreme
In miserie; such joy Ambition findes.
But say I could repent and could obtaine
By Act of Grace my former state; how soon
Would highth recal high thoughts,[38] how soon unsay° take back
What feign’d° submission swore: ease would recant faked
Vows made in pain, as violent and void.
For never can true reconcilement grow
Where wounds of deadly hate have peirc’d so deep:
Which would but lead me to a worse relapse
And heavier fall: so should I purchase deare
Short intermission bought with double smart°. pain
This knows my punisher; therefore as farr
From granting hee, as I from begging peace:
All hope excluded thus, behold in stead
Of us out-cast, exil’d, his new delight,
Mankind created, and for him this World.
So farwel° Hope, and with Hope farwel Fear, farewell
Farwel Remorse: all Good to me is lost;
Evil be thou my Good; by thee at least
Divided Empire with Heav’ns King I hold
By thee, and more then half perhaps will reigne°; reign
As Man ere long, and this new World shall know.
Mastery Check:
- Why can’t Satan escape Hell?
- What does Satan think about the possibility of repenting and reconciling with God? Is it an attractive option?
- Satan claims that the war forced God to fear for the surety of his reign. ↵
- i.e., I am nearly as powerful as he. ↵
- Note: astonished = stunned, dismayed; oblivious = forgetful. ↵
- An island in the Persian Gulf, now known as Ormuz. Known for its rich jewel trade. ↵
- In myth, Tartarus is one of the names for Hell. ↵
- i.e., we have nothing more to lose. ↵
- Meaning either deadly or, perhaps,ordained by fate. ↵
- Exodus 16: a substance provided for the Israelites as nourishment when they are in the wilderness after fleeing Egypt. ↵
- The classical philosopher Plato accused the Sophists, ancient Greek rhetoricians, of this same fault. ↵
- i.e., unable to be taken in battle. ↵
- Note: amain = at full speed; strook = struck. ↵
- Understand the verb “accomplish.” Belial questions whether or not such a war would do them any good. ↵
- i.e., having been accustomed to it. ↵
- Belial argues that though they are in a bad state judged by their former standards in Heaven, their Hell is not nearly as bad as it could be. ↵
- i.e., both arguments presented thus far are weak. ↵
- Ambrosia is the drink of the classical gods. As an adjective, it can mean divine, celestial, or fragrant. ↵
- i.e., we must stop feeling the pain that is felt by the senses. ↵
- i.e., rising and falling of the storm sounds. ↵
- Literally, “over-watched”: the sea-farers are exhausted from watching. ↵
- The chief warrior angel in the war in Heaven. ↵
- Atlas-like. Atlas was a Titan whose punishment for rebellion was to hold up the heavens on his shoulders. ↵
- The titles the devils held as part of the angelic order. ↵
- i.e., we sealed our fate with the war. ↵
- i.e., to the best of our ability. ↵
- Literally attacked, but with a play on “tempted.” ↵
- God’s abolishment of mankind occurs in Genesis 6:5-7. “The Lord saw the wickedness of humankind was great in the earth”; “So the Lord said, ‘I will blot out from the earth the human beings I have created—people together with animals and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” ↵
- Join with us in living in Hell; or, choose our side in war against God. ↵
- Adam, the “root” of mankind. ↵
- i.e., participants in the council. ↵
- The space between Hell and earth, Chaos, is so dark that the darkness can be felt. Compare to book 1, line 64, and Exodus 10:21: “Then the Lord said to Moses ‘Stretch out your hand toward heaven so that there may be a darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness that can be felt.” ↵
- i.e., we must be discriminating about whom we elect for the job. ↵
- i.e., to second his motion. ↵
- Hell and its gates have nine layers. ↵
- Satan compares “the utter loss of being” one experiences when traveling through “unessential Night” to a womb that miscarries – the traveler is metaphorically “aborted” in his journey. ↵
- Deeds that seem good, but lack actual good-will; merely having the appearance of goodness. ↵
- Satan's thoughts roll and boil over in his brest—his heart or mind. ↵
- i.e., the sun was at its zenith (noon). ↵
- "Would height recall high thoughts?" In other words, "Would regaining my past position just send me back to my old ways?" ↵