British Literature to 1800

Karen Winstead, Nicholas Hoffman


© 2020 Karen Winstead, Nicholas Hoffman


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Pressbooks Publication

The Ohio State University

Columbus, OH 43210

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About the Cover 


The image is taken from the frontispiece of Olaudah Equiano’s 1789 autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. Kidnapped and enslaved at the age of eleven in the Kingdom of Benin (present-day Nigeria), Equiano bought his freedom about a decade later. After a long career at sea, he settled in London, became a published author, and worked as an early abolitionist and an anti-poverty activist. His life and other narratives recounting the resilience and literary acumen of British writers of African descent will be covered in a bundle later in this textbook.


Fair Use 


Unless otherwise stated, all images included in this text carry a CC0 license. Where appropriate, attributions and links to the original work are provided. Transcriptions and translations are similarly attributed where appropriate.


British Literature to 1800 Copyright © 2020 by Karen Winstead. All Rights Reserved.

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