
Recitation: Negotiating Relationships



You have two issues to ponder for recitation.  Be prepared to discuss both.  Write 100-150 words on either one of the following:

  1. Which (if any) of Andreas Capellanus’s “Rules” of courtly love seem to govern characters’ values and behavior in Malory’s story of Elaine and Lancelot, and where do you see them?  Which (if any) continue to affect views about romance today (as evinced in popular culture and in your own experience) and how do they manifest themselves in your world?  Which have not?  Have any been replaced with new (perhaps equally toxic) “rules”?
  2. What do you think about the ending of Marie’s Lanval?  Is it happy?  And, if so, for whom?  Would you change the ending?  If so, what would your fanfic look like?  Can you see any of Andreas Capellanus’s rules at work in the characters’ behaviors and values?  If so, which ones, and where do you see them?



Share and discuss your ideas.  Be prepared to discuss all the questions!


Posters: Make sure, as always, that everybody’s post gets attention!!




Provide an overview of your group’s responses to the questions.  What were the points of consensus or debate?  Did the discussion change your thinking about any of the issues, and if so, how?





British Literature to 1800 Copyright © 2020 by Karen Winstead. All Rights Reserved.