
Book Title: Emerging Perspectives on Religion and Environmental Values in America

Subtitle: A collaboration of student-written essays

Author: Gregory Hitzhusen

Cover image for Emerging Perspectives on Religion and Environmental Values in America

Book Description: Emerging Perspectives on Religion and Environmental Values in America (EPREVA) is a student-written collaboration which explores the numerous, diverse ways in which religious, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs permeate into environmental topics.

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Book Information

Book Description

Emerging Perspectives on Religious and Environmental Values in America (EPREVA) is a student-written textbook put together by students in Dr. Greg Hitzhusen’s course, Religion and Environmental Values in America (ENR 3470). Originally written as term papers for the course, each chapter contains a different author’s unique exploration of an intersection between religion and environment. From personal reflections on finding spirituality in nature, to musings on art, history, and technology through religious and environmental lenses, this textbook captures a wide array of experiences and viewpoints. We hope you are able to connect with some of these “emerging perspectives” and walk away with a new appreciation for how religious and environmental values interact with the ever-changing landscape of our world today.


Gregory Hitzhusen



Environmentalist thought and ideology


Emerging Perspectives on Religion and Environmental Values in America
Gregory Hitzhusen
Gregory Hitzhusen; Georgia McLachlan; Hallie Stelzle; Emerson Gifford; and Sophia Shannon
Primary Subject
Environmentalist thought and ideology
Additional Subject(s)
Autobiography: religious and spiritual, Religion and science, Spirituality and religious experience, The environment
The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University
Publication Date
April 25, 2022