
42 Meet the Author

Mackenzie Shelton

Hello! I’m Mackenzie Shelton, a third-year student studying natural resource management. Post-graduation, I hope to work in the interpretive field and explore as many places as I can. I found inspiration for this chapter, A Glimpse at the Reality Existing After Ours Through Near-Death Experiences, while walking my dog one day. I was nearing the third quarter of the semester and still searching for a topic that would strike my interest, and it came almost effortlessly in a podcast that covered supernatural phenomena on an episode of one woman’s near death experience. Death and the ultimate question of “where do we go once we die?” has always fascinated me, so I was intrigued to dive into an array of perspectives from around the world. In doing so, I hope this chapter may help foster new perspectives and conversations within yourself and with those around you.