
Ch. 5: Summary

In this module about the second aspect of a biopsychosocial framework, you learned a great deal about what goes on in the minds of individuals considering or engaging in substance use, substance misuse, or experiencing substance use disorder. As a result, you should now be able to explain how cognition, information processing, learning, social learning, rational/planned behavior, developmental, psychodynamic, attachment, self-medication, personality, psychopathology, expectancies, and cravings models relate to substance use, misuse, and use disorders. In discussing many of these theories and models, the relationship between brain and mind was evidenced again (first visited in our earlier biological models module), and linkages were drawn to how the theories and models inform interventions to prevent, treat, and support recovery from substance misuse and substance use disorders. At this point, you are well equipped to explore the final dimension of the biopsychosocial framework: social contexts and physical environments. That is the topic of our next learning module.