
Ch. 3: Summary

We covered a great deal of territory in this module concerning stimulant substances. You read descriptions of amphetamines (mostly prescription drugs), methamphetamine, cocaine, caffeine, and nicotine-containing products (tobacco and e-cigarettes). A description of the psychoactive and other physical effects of stimulant substances was supplemented in many of the sections with actions and effects more specific to individual substances. A great deal of the effect on addictive potential and health concerns related to the mode of administration, and we were reminded once again that the more quickly and powerfully a substance affects the pleasure areas of the brain, the greater the potential for addiction to that substance. Some discussions were presented concerning what happens when stimulant substances are combined with other drugs or substances (including alcohol). Substance use disorder criteria were referenced, as were some of the symptoms of withdrawal from stimulant substances. The concept of cross-tolerance was presented again in this module, along with the introduction of a new concept: drug sensitization. And, the module concluded with a chapter presenting some of the epidemiological evidence related to use of various stimulant substances. You are now ready to review some of the key terms presented in this module.