
Module 4: References and Image Credits


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Yakhnich, L., & Michael, K. (2016). Trajectories of drug abuse and addiction development among FSU immigrant drug users in Israel. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(8), 1130-1153.

Image credits:

Unless otherwise noted, the author created tables and figures appearing in this book; images come from creative commons public domain (Pixabay.com) and 123rf contract.

“Grizzly” image is copyrighted and used with permission granted by Audrey Begun; seek copyright permissions through abegun@columbus.rr.com.

“Timing is the Enemy” image is copyrighted and used with permission granted by Audrey Begun; seek copyright permissions through abegun@columbus.rr.com.

“Imitation” image is copyrighted and used with permission granted by Audrey Begun; seek copyright permissions through abegun@columbus.rr.com.

Sept 23, 2019 version