Book Title: Religion and Environmental Values in America

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Book Description: Religion and Environmental Values in America explores the emerging and increasingly important topic of religion and sustainability, with particular attention to first understanding what it takes, philosophically and practically, to overcome polarizing debates about such topics and to understand environmental issues at their roots. The book then examines a range of case studies highlighting key areas of faith-based sustainability solutions.
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Book Description
Religion and Environmental Values in America explores the emerging and increasingly important topic of religion and sustainability. In contrast to many debates about the environment today, the first few chapters of the book provide a platform to establish reasonable and non-polarizing engagement with these subjects. Subsequent chapters explore spiritual and theological anthropologies as a way of respecting religious perspectives on the environment, followed by a collection of case study chapters that highlight key areas of faith-based sustainability work, including consumerism, environmental virtue, climate change, and animal and food ethics. Ultimately, Religion and Environmental Values in America proposes that deepening the dialogue and broadening the conversation about religion and sustainability can play a key role in achieving planetary shalom.
Religion and Environmental Values in America Copyright © 2019 by Gregory E Hitzhusen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.