
SWK 3401.4-2.3 Computing a Mean


The purpose of this activity is to learn how to use Excel to find the mean for a set of values about a variable. We will use the data presented in the coursebook about student absenteeism for this exercise, finding the mean (average) number of days that students in this class were absent.


  1. Open the file called student absenteeism start.xlsx.
  2. Click on an empty cell, B30 is a good choice.
  3. Click on the ∑ symbol in the tool bar, way over on the right. (Or, you could click on “Formulas” tab in the top tool bar menu, select the ∑AutoSum down arrow menu). You want the option called average.
  4. Excel is going to make a best guess at the range of cells for which you want to calculate the mean (average). You want to select B2:B29. Up in the large white box, you should see the following formula:


it should place the formula you want where you want it.

  1. When you click on Enter in the B30 cell, Excel computes the mean for you.
  2. Hopefully, the answer you obtained in B30 is 6.93 (with rounding up because the next digit is 8). If you did, then you have successfully completed this learning activity!


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Social Work 3401/3402 Workbook Copyright © by Dr. Audrey Begun is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.