
About the Authors

Cathy Mere

I have  taught grades K-6, worked as a literacy coach, and a Reading Recovery teacher in Ohio.  Currently I work as a reading specialist supporting literacy learners.  I am the author of More Than Guided Reading, a Stenhouse publication, and is a contributing author for Choice Literacy.  I share my professional reflections at Reflect and Refine:  Building a Learning Community and dabble in poetry and personal essay at Merely Day by Day. I can be found @cathymere on Twitter.  

Mandy Robek

I have been teaching for just over twenty years.  During that time I have taught kindergarten, first, third, and currently teach second grade where I find guiding transitional readers and writers fascinating.  I am constantly exploring, trying, and learning more about digital literacy.  While working on this project, my biggest discovery was learning to trust myself, trust my students and realize we did not need to know all of the answers.  I have degrees from the State University of New York College at Buffalo and The Ohio State University.  You can follow me at my blog Enjoy and Embrace Learning and find me @mandyrobek on Twitter.

Deb Frazier

 I am currently learning alongside first graders who love learning as much as I do. Prior to my current position, I taught kindergarten, second grade and students with special needs in a fourth and fifth grade resource room. I’ve also taught students with special needs in kindergarten through third grade in inclusive classrooms. I received a Bachelors of Arts degree from Ohio Dominican University and a masters degree in curriculum and instruction also from Ohio Dominican University. As a young adult I had the opportunity to live in Okinawa, Japan and I’ve found this experience changed the way I view the world. Even today it continues to inspire me as a person and as an educator. I strive to help students understand the varying perspectives of others, to be accepting, and to learn about the person behind the one they see.  I am a Co-Founder of Global Classroom,  I blog about my teaching at Primary Perspective  and Two Writing Teachers and I can be found on twitter @Deb_Frazier. Digital tools have become my students’ hands into the world. They blog at Behind The Scenes in First Grade and tweet @Frazier1st.  I reside in central Ohio with my husband and two daughters.

Deb Lairson

After graduating from Ohio University, I started my 21 year career in the Hocking Hills of Ohio.  I taught kindergarten and title reading. After getting a phone call in late July, I began my Reading Recovery training.  Reading Recovery changed my life as a teacher.  I began to think about how the children should guide my instruction.  I found that so rewarding, that while at a Reading Recovery conference, I discovered The Literacy Collaborative.  I had labored over how I could continue to support my readers when they discontinued so that they didn’t fall back. and I had found my answer.

I began my training at The Ohio State University during my fifth year of teaching.  It was very challenging, but very rewarding.  My teaching changed so much and I couldn’t wait to share it with others! I spent fourteen years coaching teachers and providing professional development.

I began my journey with digital literacy during a book talk at my friend’s house.  I was so overwhelmed at first, but I began to think about it and dabble here and there.  I have been spurred to learn more by great authors and friends.  I am excited to be able to use all I have learned and to continue my learning journey when I go back to the classroom in the fall.  

I will be teaching second grade.  I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to practice what I know about teaching!  I can’t wait to get to know my students, learn what they can do and what they need next, and dig in!  

You can follow me on my blog Loving La Vida Loca and on Twitter @DebLairson.

Julie Johnson

I have been teaching for 24 years. I am a literacy coach and classroom teacher in a suburb of central Ohio.  A National Board Certified teacher, she has taught a variety of grades in elementary school.  I participated in the summer institute with the Columbus Area Writing Project in 2007 and received NCTE’s Donald Graves Excellence in Teaching Writing in 2010.  I contributed a chapter to Assessing Students’ Digital Writing:  Protocols for Looking Closely, edited by Troy Hicks and am a contributing editor to Choice Literacy.  My passion lies in integrating technology in my reading and writing workshops and helping other educators do the same.  I can be found @jreaderwriter on Twitter and my blog Raising Readers and Writers

Tonya Buelow

I have been teaching for 21 years. I am a literacy coach and a classroom teacher, so I spend half my day teaching and the other half coaching or designing professional development.  It is so rewarding to work with both adults and children each and every day. I love learning alongside my students as we push ourselves as readers and writers. I have had the privilege to teach the following grades:  kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.  Next year I will be teaching fifth grade and I look forward to a new literacy journey.  I am a National Board Certified Teacher.  I graduated from Ohio Dominican University and I received my master’s degree at National University.  I am a budding blogger so I hope you will enjoy my blog titled Learning, Growing and Reflecting Educator and @TBuelow on Twitter.

Scott Jones

My name is E. Scott Jones, and I am a fifth grade teacher at a suburban school in Central Ohio.  After receiving my Bachelors of Arts from Denison University and my Masters of Education from The Ohio State University, I became a teacher who is inspired by my students daily. As a teacher in a self-contained classroom, my goal is always to help develop a classroom culture where students can reach their full potential.  You can visit my classroom website (theflockjwr.com).  Plus, I constantly strive to be an active digital citizen, so you can follow me on Twitter (@escott818) and my blog The Lead Goose.  


Launching Digital Writing in the Elementary Classroom Copyright © by Edited by Julie Johnson and Johnson, Julie. All Rights Reserved.

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