Selected Antimicrobial Information – Companion Animal

Vancomycin [Companion]

Restriction Status



Species Usage Dose

For life-threatening systemic infections 15mg/kg IV q6-8h, given slowly (over 30-60min) or 3.5mg/kg IV once, followed by 1.5mg/kg/hr CRI (extra-label use)
For C. difficile enteritis
10-20mg/kg PO q6h for 7d (extra-label use)

For life-threatening systemic infections 15mg/kg IV q6-8h, given slowly (over 30-60min) or 3.5mg/kg IV once, followed by 1.5mg/kg/hr CRI (extra-label use)
For C. difficile enteritis 10-20mg/kg PO q6h for 7d (extra-label use)

Brand Name(s)



Vancomycin is a bactericidal, concentration-dependent glycopeptide antibiotic with a narrow spectrum of activity against Gram-positive aerobes. Clostridium spp. are also susceptible. Many Staphylococcus spp. and Enterococcus spp. that are resistant to other antimicrobials will be susceptible to vancomycin; use should be strictly reserved for infections caused by organisms that are resistant to other antimicrobial choices. Vancomycin must be given IV since it is poorly bioavailable; when given PO, vancomycin stays within the gastrointestinal tract. Tissue distribution is poor, and parenterally administered vancomycin is primarily excreted in urine

Acceptable Uses

  • Treatment of multidrug resistant, Gram-positive infections causing life-threatening, systemic disease. Culture and susceptibility must be performed prior to use.
  • Treatment of metronidazole-resistant Clostridium difficile enteritis, when given PO. Culture and susceptibility must be performed prior to use.

Unacceptable Uses

  • Empiric use.

Formulations Available within the OSU Pharmacy

  • Vancomycin 500mg/10ml injectable suspension


  • Vancomycin use in animals is highly controversial, and should only be considered as a last resort when other antimicrobial treatment options have been ruled out.
  • Vancomycin is on the protected antimicrobial list for the OSU-VMC, and approval must be obtained from the Antimicrobial Stewardship Working Group prior to prescribing.


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OSU VMC Antimicrobial Use Guidelines Copyright © 2018 by The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.