Chapter 12: Male Reproductive System
Please familiarize yourself with these keywords before you start reading the chapter:

- Accessory Sex Glands
- Glands that provide secretions that form the seminal plasma.
- Ductus deferens
- Long conduit that conveys spermatozoa to the urethra.
- Efferent ductules
- Tubules that connect the efferent ductules to the epididymis.
- Epididymis
- The coiled network of tubules that are responsible for sperm storage prior to ejaculation.
- Leydig Cells
- Cells within the interstitium between seminiferous tubules that produce testosterone.
- Mesonephric ducts (Wolffian ducts)
- Embryonic precursors to the male tubular genitalia.
- Paramesonephric ducts (Muellarian ducts)
- Embryonic precursors to the female tubular genitalia.
- Seminiferous Tubules
- The tubular structures in which spermatogenesis takes place.
- Sertoli Cells
- Cells within the seminiferous tubule that support spermatogenesis and form the blood-testes barrier.
- Spematogenesis
The process in which immature germ cells turn into spermatozoa.
- Spermiogenesis
- The process in which a spermatid is converted into a spermatozoa.
- Rete testis
- Tubules in the mediastinum testes that connect the seminiferous tubules to the efferent ductules.